
Friday, May 4, 2012

hi world~ just back from work~ feeling so tired like as though i have not slept for a million years. these fatigue is not due to lack of sleep, is because of being too stress. stress over work, stress over all the bullshits from my life. so tired of life.... kept on wondering what have i done to deserve this..
i really have no motivation to carry on down anymore. i have no courage to walk down also. i just wanna stay in my comfort zone forever.... i am just a big loser... a loser who can't even handle small stuff.
no matter how hard i try, the efforts are always wasted. i don't deserve this... do i ?

really should have persist on my thoughts of changing a new environment no matter about my workplace or my staying place. lol~ i'm just a joke in everyone's eyes~ just a useless piece of junk? haha! i just can't help feeling this way. its not like as though i could help it. everything that is happening around is proving to me that i'm worthless, dumb. i'm feeling so inferior now. the confidence that i have slowly built up these few months have totally been tarnished. one small blow and i'm down. useless :)


was telling someone i need a break from here. and they said, you've work here for how long only? want a break already? they dont know how tired i am, facing people everyday with a fake smile.
gradually, i'm becoming fake myself. i'm no longer myself. and the best part? i totally lose my true self... which i don't even know what is it.... maybe someone could tell me... maybe not?
i mean... what do people know? :) just forget it....