HELLO SEXY! <3 1="1" anni="anni" happy="happy" p="p" to="to" year="year" you="you">national day just passed! and it's our 1st year :) that's pretty fast though~ went to watch the fireworks just now~ didn't really get a good view but it was alright :D recently, i tell myself all the time, in fact, reminding myself that i just have to mind my own business and do my part will do~ dont have to bother about what others have to say~ i have my friends who believe me and a boyfriend who dotes on me:) so yeap!
gonna go USS tomorrow~ ( today) MAD EXCITED :):) but getting sick soon~ having a bad throat now :( hope i will get better tomorrow~ this boy, whom i quarreled with more times than any of my ex boyfriend actually turn out to last longer together with me than the rest~ <3 br="br" nbsp="nbsp"> cough*cough* bad throat! HAHA!
perhaps i'm gonna stay till decemer before moving on? just see how it goes now. try to filter what i don't wanna hear and do my part! REMIND MYSELF!!!! ok, i shall stop here. freaking tired :( goodnight! :)